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Rathalos - Defeating the King of the Skies: All Attacks, Tips, and Tricks

The King of the Skies

Hey guys, ThrillBone here! Today, I will guide you through the complete strategies to conquer Rathalos in Monster Hunter. From attack patterns to weaknesses and tips, this guide will help you emerge victorious against the formidable Rathalos.

When and Where to Face Rathalos

First things first, let's talk about when you'll encounter Rathalos in the story. You'll come face-to-face with this fiery wyvern in Chapter 13, "Sunder of the Skies," during the "King of the Skies: Rathalos" Urgent Quest. This is a five-star encounter and serves as the literal final boss of the main story. Be prepared; this battle can be incredibly challenging if you don't have at least a Grade 5 weapon or if you're unfamiliar with Rathalos's attack patterns.

Weak against Thunder and Dragon elements

A Brief Introduction to Rathalos

Before we dive into Rathalos's attacks, here's a quick introduction. Rathalos belongs to the wyvern species and is typically found in forest biomes. It's a formidable foe with fire and poison attacks, and it's weak against Thunder and Dragon elements. Rathalos has several breakable parts, including its head, back, both wings, and its tail, which can be severed.

Rathalos parts table by Alarming-Average9247 

Ratholos Breakable Parts

Some time ago, I shared a post about the specific Rathalos parts that consistently yield particular drops when broken. To be precise, I pointed out that breaking the head consistently rewards you with either a scale or a primescale, and shattering the wings always grants wingtalons.

However, when I first mentioned this, I encountered some resistance. Some individuals dismissed this as mere confirmation bias, while others claimed they had never received these parts from such breaks and instead obtained different materials.

Fortunately, I've recently become part of a Monster Hunter Discord community and came across a table and data compiled by a fellow hunter named 13121417. I want to give full credit to them, and I'm sharing this information with their permission.

My intention is to assist fellow hunters in obtaining the specific parts they need, and this data supports the claims I made earlier. The only exception appears to be a single talon as a head drop, which is likely based on inaccurate data.

If any of you wish to challenge the findings presented in this data, which is based on 440 Rathalos encounters, or the approximately 300 I personally hunted, I encourage you to test it out for yourselves first. (I understand that gems are not included in this table, but there are only nine eight-star Rathalos in this dataset.) - Reddit user Alarming-Average9247

Rathalos Ground Attacks

Rathalos Attack Pattern: Bite Attack
Attack Pattern: Bite Attack

The first move is the bite attack. Rathalos will attempt to bite you. When you see it open its mouth wide and pull back its head, quickly roll backward, to the left, or to the right to dodge this attack. Timing is crucial. 

Rathalos Attack Pattern: Running Charge Bite Attack
Attack Pattern: Running Charge Bite Attack

The next attack to watch out for is the running charge bite attack. Rathalos will charge towards you, aiming to bite. To dodge this, keep an eye on its head. When it raises its head and looks straight at you, quickly roll to the left or right. Don't let this charging beast catch you off guard.

Rathalos Attack Pattern: Stomp
Attack Pattern: Stomp

Rathalos's stomp attack is another one to be aware of. When it prepares to stomp, it will squat and flap its wings. This is a visual cue for its next move. Roll backward to avoid getting stomped by this airborne predator. Rathalos's size makes this move particularly devastating.

Rathalos Attack Pattern: Tail Swing
Attack Pattern: Tail Swing

Rathalos also has a tail swing attack. When it raises its tail and sweeps the air in front of you at a 180-degree angle, you'll need to roll backward, left or right to dodge this powerful attack. There's also an occasional variation where it swings its tail in front of you when you're behind it in the air.

Rathalos Attack Pattern: Fireball Attack
Attack Pattern: Fireball Attack

No Rathalos would be complete without a fireball attack. Rathalos spits out fireballs, and this attack can be particularly dangerous. To avoid the incoming fireball, watch for the visual cue: Rathalos raising its head and emitting a trail of smoke from its mouth. Dodge to the left or right to avoid the fiery projectile.

Rathalos Attack Pattern: Jumping Fireball Attack
Attack Pattern: Jumping Fireball Attack

Rathalos takes the fireball attack to the next level with a jumping fireball. It jumps into the air, launching a fireball at the ground. The cue for this attack is Rathalos squatting and flapping its wings before the jump. Dodge by rolling to the left, right, or backward. Remember, if you're too close, it might aim accurately.

Rathalos Attack Pattern: Roar
Attack Pattern: Roar

Sometimes, Rathalos will stun you with a deafening roar. This can leave you vulnerable, so keep an eye on its head and body movements. It takes a deep breath before releasing the roar. Dodge just before it roars to avoid being stunned and left open to attack. Be aware that it might not use this move while flying, but let me know if you've witnessed otherwise in the comments.

Rathalos in Flight
Rathalos in Flight

Rathalos can take to the skies, which distinguishes it from its counterpart, Rathian. When Rathalos is about to enter its flight mode, it has two possible signals. In the first, Rathalos simply jumps into the air and starts flying. In the second, following its jumping fireball attack, Rathalos might remain airborne and continue its onslaught. These signals indicate that it's time to prepare for an aerial battle.

Rathalos's Flying Attacks

In flight mode, Rathalos has an array of attacks to rain down upon you.

Rathalos Flying Bite Attack
Flying Bite Attack

Rathalos attempts to bite you while airborne. A distinctive cue is Rathalos slightly flying up and opening its mouth. To dodge, roll left or right, but be quick – this attack can be surprisingly fast.

Rathalos Charging Flying Scratches
Charging Flying Scratches

This attack has Rathalos charging at you to scratch multiple times. The signal for this attack is when it spreads its wings and kicks its feet high up in the air. Dodge by rolling left or right. Be cautious, as being too close can stun you due to the wind generated by Rathalos's wings.

Rathalos Flying Tail Swing
Flying Tail Swing

Rathalos executes a tail swing at 180 degrees in the air. The cue is when it raises its head and body and pauses before swinging its tail. Dodge by rolling backward. Note that this attack typically happens when you're close to Rathalos in the air and positioned behind it.

Rathalos Flying Fireball
Flying Fireball

This attack is yet another fireball move but executed from the air. Rathalos raises its head with a trail of smoke, signaling its intention. Dodge by rolling in any direction to evade the fiery onslaught.

Rathalos Sweeping Fire Breath Attack
Sweeping Fire Breath Attack

The final flying attack unleashes a blaze of fire covering the area in front of you. The cue is Rathalos turning its head and body while emitting a trail of smoke from its mouth. The best way to dodge this attack is to roll backward.

Tips and Tricks to Conquer Rathalos

Here are some helpful tips and tricks to take down the King of the Skies:

Breaking Rathalos' Wing

Break its wings while it's in flight: Breaking either of Rathalos's wings will cause it to crash and be stunned, giving you a valuable advantage in battle. Aim for the wings if you're using ranged weapons like the bow or light bowgun.

Weapon choice: For melee users, target Rathalos's head, wings, or tail if you can reach them. Thunder weapons are highly effective, so consider using them. Aim for a Grade 5 or better weapon for this battle.

Gear with Divine Blessing: Equip gear with the Divine Blessing skill, which grants a chance to reduce monster damage by 50%. This can be a lifesaver during the fight.

Lumacoil Waist Armor: Craft the Lumacoil waist armor from the Palumu armor set and upgrade it to obtain level 1 Divine Blessing. It's a useful piece of equipment to have during this challenging battle.

Grind for a Thunder or Poison weapon: If you're struggling with your current equipment, consider grinding for a Thunder or Poison weapon, which can make the battle more manageable. Thunder weapons from the Toby Kadachi series are an excellent choice.

Poison weapons: You can also defeat Rathalos by using a poison or paralysis weapon. While the battle will be tough, it's doable. If you didn't grind for a Thunder weapon, this approach is an alternative.

That's a wrap on defeating Rathalos in Monster Hunter Now. I hope this comprehensive guide helps you conquer the King of the Skies. 

Good luck on your grinds, and I'll see you in the next one. Happy hunting!


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