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Perfect Dodges Every Single Time: Must Learn Move!

🎮 Greetings, fellow hunters! I am back with a game-changing secret that will elevate your monster-hunting prowess. Today, we're diving into the art of perfect dodges, a skill that will leave monsters in awe and your fellow hunters in admiration.

🎶 Perfect Dodges: A Symphony of Evasion!

Imagine a world where every monster attack is but a dance, a rhythm you can master. Today, I unveil the secret to perfect dodges, a technique that goes beyond the conventional evasion skills. Join me on this thrilling journey as we explore the nuances of dodging those menacing stamped attacks and long-range projectiles.

🕵️‍♂️ The Hidden Secret Unveiled!

Before we embark on this adventure, let me assure you that this technique doesn't require the cunning evasion skill. It's a discovery made through relentless practice and observation. The magic lies in identifying the monster's attack, whether it's a fierce charge or a distant projectile, and executing the perfect dodge.

Unveiling the Dodging Mastery!

Now, you'll witness the finesse of dodging in action. The beauty of this technique is its applicability to various attacks – be it the tail kick of Tobi-Kadachi, the stampede of Black Diablos, or even the relentless onslaught of Pukei-Pukei. Yes, it works against those stampeding attacks and long-distance projectiles alike.

🎮 Adapting to Monster Moves: A Tactical Guide!

Let's break it down step by step. When facing a monster, identify the impending attack. For instance, Tobi-Kadachi's tail kick or Black Diablos' stampede. Move to the side, either left or right, and as the monster begins its attack, roll towards the direction of the assault. The key is timing – wait until the monster is diagonal to your camera, then execute the dodge.

🔄 Timing is Everything: The Dance of Precision!

Timing is the heart of this technique. Roll too early, and you risk the monster's wrath. Roll too late, and you might miss the perfect dodge animation. Stay calm, stay focused. Practice against lower-level monsters to hone your skills without the fear of substantial damage.

🌐 Adapting to Your Arsenal: From Long Range to Short Range!

Whether you wield a long-distance bow or stand toe-to-toe with your trusty sword and shield, this technique adapts seamlessly. It's not just about dodging; it's about turning the monsters' attacks into opportunities. Perfect dodges become a dance of offense and defense, a true spectacle in the world of Monster Hunter Now.

Can't Work For All Monsters

Please be aware that this trick does not work for all monsters' attacks, I will try more monsters and update this post. 
  • Kulu-Ya-Ku Jump
  • Barroth Charge
  • Paolumu Run
  • Anjanath Bite

👍 Support the Hunt: A Call for Your Backing!

As you embark on this journey to perfect dodges, I invite you to support Monster Hunter Now by hitting that 'support' button and sharing this blog with your fellow hunters. Bookmark this page for future insights, and if you have any questions, drop them in the comments below. Together, let's elevate the hunt to new heights!

🎓 Parting Wisdom: Embrace the Dance, Master the Hunt!

"In the dance of blades and the symphony of arrows, every weapon holds its own melody. Adapt, evolve, and let the hunt shape your legend."

And there you have it, hunters! The secret is out, the dance is set. Embrace the art of perfect dodges, and may your hunts be as graceful as the movements you master. Until next time, happy hunting!

🎮🦖🔥 Stay Fierce, Brave Souls!


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