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November Patch Breakdown – New Features, Bug Fixes, and More!

Hey there, Monster Hunter enthusiasts! I hope you're all having a blast in your own unique hunting style. Today, I'm here to break down the most recent patch notes for Monster Hunter Now. These notes rolled out at the beginning of the month and they're addressing some significant issues and delivering exciting new features. Let's dive right in!

New Features

First up, let's talk about a couple of fresh additions to enhance your gameplay.

Favorite Equipment: Now you can easily mark your favorite gear, making it super convenient to organize your arsenal. This feature not only helps you sort your items efficiently but also displays your favorite equipment to other players. So, show off your prized possessions and let the world know what gear you prefer.

Improved Icon Visibility: The development team has listened to your feedback. They've made improvements to the visibility of icons, helping you differentiate equipment and items more effortlessly. No more squinting at unclear icons.

Party Updates: Joining a hunt with friends just got easier. You can now send friend requests to party members directly from the party menu. Plus, for those who are already friends, you can see their details within the party menu, making it simple to know who's ready to join the hunt.

Adjustments to Bow: Bow users, rejoice! They've tweaked the damage output, ensuring a smoother experience when using the bow. You'll be landing more efficient shots with these adjustments.

Paintball List Updates

Let's address the Paintball List updates. Niantic has introduced some changes based on player feedback.

Attempts Available: You can now see the number of attempts available for any hunt in the Paintball List. While it may not solve all the paintball issues, this addition certainly helps you keep track of how many tries you have left.

Relaxed Monster Spawn Conditions: Now, monsters may appear more frequently, even in areas away from the main paths on the map. Finding the right star-level monsters has been a challenge, and Niantic is attempting to ease this frustration with more relaxed spawn conditions.

Bug Fixes

But it's not just about new features. Niantic has also been hard at work addressing some bugs and network issues that have been plaguing the game.

Network Errors: The annoying network error 6/4, which occurred when initiating a hunt from the Paintball List, has been resolved. This is excellent news for players who were continually disconnected during hunts.

Play Restrictions: Play restrictions have been eased for hunts initiated from the Paintball List. It should now be easier for other players to connect to your hunts and join the action promptly.

Confirm Ready Status: There was an issue where players couldn't confirm their ready status in group hunts with the Paintball activated. This has been fixed, so starting hunts should be much smoother now.

Bow Damage: The damage for shots following a perfect evasion has been reduced. While it might sound like a downgrade for bow users, the overall bug fixes and damage multipliers make up for this adjustment.

Hammer Alignment: Hammer users will be pleased to know that the Hammer's alignment has been corrected. You should now have a more accurate hammer to hit your targets.

Rathian's Burrowing: Lastly, there's a rather interesting update - Rathian can now burrow into the ground during a hunt. This unexpected behavior raises some intriguing questions about the game's lore. Rathian is now giving Diglett a run for its money!

You can access the full patch notes on their official Niantic update page for the latest November updates in Monster Hunter Now.

And that wraps up our overview of the latest Monster Hunter Now patch notes. Thanks for reading, and happy hunting, fellow monster slayers! See you in the game!


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