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Recap: Qualily's November Special Quest Event

Hey there, fellow hunters! It's ThrillBone, and today let's dive into the aftermath of Qualily's Special Quest event. Whether you breezed through it or faced a few challenges, let's break down how it all went down.

To begin with, the event seemed crafted as a warm-up or a prelude, a chance for players to stretch their virtual hunting muscles. According to the details shared by Niantic, it spanned over three days, though practically offering slightly less than two full days to tackle all the special quests.

The event structure unfolded across four pages, with the initial three pages bundling tasks to gather materials and slay monsters in the Forest, Desert, and Swamp habitats. The rewards for these Qualilyests encompassed materials but excluded Zeny. Once these were conquered, the fourth page unveiled tasks to take down the relatively easy-to-find large monsters – Great Jagras, Barroth, and Great Girros. Now, this page brought home the Zeny but omitted materials.

Here's a quick rundown of the rewards awaiting those who completed all the special quests:

  • Carpenter Bugs
  • Monster Bone Pluses
  • Zeny
  • Hunter Rank Points

Now, let's dissect the event itself. While it might not have been a grandiose spectacle, it did offer players some bonuses – a little extra something to keep the excitement alive. Personally, I approached it as a warm-up, setting my sights on the upcoming Legiana and Black Diablos events.

However, I can't help but express a smidgen of disappointment in the material rewards. Sure, 6,000 Zeny is a welcome addition, but a mere 10 Carpenter Bugs and 10 Monster Bone Pluses feel a tad underwhelming. Given the promotional hype, doubling the material rewards wouldn't hurt, even if it meant upping the difficulty a notch.

Speaking of difficulty, the gathering material task raised a few eyebrows. While hunting monsters is straightforward, gathering materials, especially if you're low on notes, felt unnecessarily challenging. Perhaps a shift towards more monster-centric tasks would strike a better balance.

The final tasks, involving hunting relatively easy-to-find large monsters, proved to be a breeze. However, it's a bit surprising that group hunting, touted as necessary in the pre-event announcement, didn't materialize. Whether it was a miscommunication or a post-announcement change, it did make things more accessible for solo players like myself.

Now, a word on event duration. Why the rush? Without special spawns or game-altering changes, extending the event by another day would've been a thoughtful move. Especially given the time-consuming nature of the gathering material task, this adjustment could have provided players with ample time to wrap up all the Quests.

In conclusion, the Qualily's Special Quest event wasn't a groundbreaking spectacle, but it did bring some nice bonuses to the table. It might not have been the most thrilling experience, yet it added a touch of excitement to our Monster Hunter journey. Share your thoughts in the comments – did you enjoy the event or crave something more? 

Happy hunting! 🦖🗡️🛡️


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