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The Grind Unveiled: Monster Hunter Now's Insane Upgrade Journey

Greetings, fellow hunters! Today, we're diving deep into the heart of Monster Hunter Now. We've been on this hunt for over a month, and there's a burning question that's been on everyone's minds – just how insane is the grind for those coveted Grade 10 weapons and armor pieces?

Let's go into the numbers, the calculations, and the sheer madness that is the upgrade process in Monster Hunter Now. Strap in, folks, because it's about to get real.

Zeny Woes: The Cost of Power

At first, the Zeny seems like mere pocket change. Crafting and upgrading weapons and armor from the lower ranks won't put a dent in your coffers. A Rarity 1 weapon? A measly 10 Zeny. But, my fellow hunters, this is where the calm waters turn into a turbulent sea.

Take, for instance, upgrading the Grade Jagras Sword and Shield. From Grade 1 to 2, it's a reasonable 300 Zeny, but as you ascend the ranks, the cost skyrockets. By the time you're at Grade 4 to 5, you're forking out 1,500 Zeny. Now, brace yourselves for the grand revelation – upgrading a freshly crafted Grade Jagras weapon all the way to Grade 10? A staggering 431,500 Zeny.

Let that number sink in. It's not just about hunting monsters for glory; it's a relentless pursuit of the elusive Zeny. Daily quests become your lifeline, and efficiency becomes the name of the game. Six-star monsters emerge as your prime targets, providing a decent balance of Zeny and killability.

But what if your wallet yearns to skip the grind, to plunge into the depths of the item shop? Brace yourselves – it's a slippery slope. A bundle purchase of gems might give you a momentary boost, but the real cost? Well over $600. It's not a purchase; it's an investment, a financial commitment that could rival the cost of four copies of Monster Hunter World Iceborne Deluxe Edition.

And here's the kicker – after that first-time purchase, you're left in a pit of diminishing returns. Your gems lose their sparkle, and to reach the Zenyth of Zeny, you'd need to shell out another $500. All for one Grade 10 weapon. The numbers don't just speak; they scream – the price of power is steep.

The Gem Dilemma: A Sneaky Shortcut

Logging into the Niantic website lets you buy gem bundles at a 10% discount. A glimmer of hope? Perhaps. But even with this trick up your sleeve, the costs remain astronomical. The message is clear – the road to Grade 10 is not for the faint of heart or the light of pocket.

This revelation is not a push for you to empty your wallets into the abyss of microtransactions. No, it's a glimpse into the system, a stark truth laid bare. We're not financial advisors, but we urge caution. Think twice before you tread into the territory of real money for virtual might.

Material Mayhem: The Hunt Beyond Zeny

But the Zeny is just one side of the coin. The other? Materials. You can't buy these directly with real money; you have to earn them through the grind, the hunt, and the battle. Crafting may start easy, but as you ascend the ranks, the monsters demand a heavier toll.

Refined parts become the currency of upgrades, acquired through daily quests – one weapon part and one armor part a day. Seems manageable, right? But here's the kicker – you need 25 of these parts for a single weapon or armor upgrade. Daily quests start feeling like a slow drip in an ocean of need.

Then there are the materials – elusive, rare, and often tied to the rank of monsters. Rarity 5 items? They drop from six-star monsters and above. But the true challenge lies in the rarest of them all – Rarity 6 Viant Gem Shards. A mere 3% drop chance from eight-star monsters and higher, these gems become the heart of the grind.

I embarked on over 200 eight-star monster hunts. The bounty? A mere four Viant Gem Shards. It's a testament to the grind – relentless, unforgiving, and sometimes, demoralizing.

Potions and Paintballs: The Currency of Survival

But wait, there's more. Even potions and paintballs come at a cost. A single potion, the lifeblood of survival, sets you back 85 cents or €1. It's a stark reality – the essentials for survival, the tools of the hunt, carry a price tag that might make you wince.

A Plea for Change: The Future of the Hunt

In my journey through the numbers, there's a plea, a hope for change. Zeny rewards from seven-star and higher monsters need an overhaul. A boost to 150 Zeny for seven stars, 200 for eight stars, 250 for nine stars, and 300 for 10 stars could inject some much-needed life into the grind. Let us sell unwanted materials for Zeny – a barter system to ease the burden.

And, perhaps most importantly, a decrease in the materials needed for upgrades. The current requirements – 950 Toby Kadachi claws, 244 Monster Bone Pluses, and 90 Viant Gem Shards for a single Grade 10 bow – it's excessive, to say the least.

The hope is for a future where the grind becomes challenging but not insurmountable. Where the rewards feel earned, and the journey feels rewarding. For now, we press on, hunting the same 13 monsters, hoping that the winds of change blow through the realm of Monster Hunter Now.

In conclusion, this video is not just a revelation; it's a plea for a balanced hunting experience. We enjoy the game, the thrill of the hunt, but the numbers cast a long shadow. We hope for updates and events that tip the scales in favor of the players, where the grind becomes a challenge, not an endless struggle.

Until next time, happy hunting, fellow adventurers. May your Zeny be plentiful, your materials abundant, and your hunts legendary. 🦖🗡️🌟


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