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Unleashing the Power of the Hammer

Greetings, fellow hunters! Today, I'm thrilled to dive into the intricacies of one of the most exhilarating weapons in Monster Hunter — the mighty Hammer. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting your journey, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to unleash the true potential of the Hammer.

Hammer Overview

Bong and Break

The Hammer might not be everyone's favorite but it is a weapon of raw power, delivering devastating blows to monsters with its immense impact. What sets it apart is the perfect balance it strikes between hefty damage and surprising mobility. Its unique ability to stun monsters makes it a force to be reckoned with, and mastering the Hammer involves understanding its powerful combos and strategic engagements.

Key Strengths

High Burst Damage: The Hammer excels in delivering powerful, high-damage combos, making it perfect for exploiting monster vulnerabilities.

Stunning Ability: Hammer hits to a monster's face have a chance to stun, providing valuable opportunities for additional damage.

Mobility: Despite its size, the Hammer allows for decent mobility, allowing hunters to evade and reposition effectively.

Mastering Hammer Combos

To become a true Hammer master, understanding and executing its key combos is essential. Here's a breakdown of the major combo enders:

Upswing Combo:

Basic combo starters lead to overhead smashes and culminate in the potent upswing.

Timing and positioning are crucial, as these attacks are high-commitment.

Big Bang Combo:

Initiated by continuing the combo after an upswing or using a level two charged uppercut.

Features two hits followed by a powerful finisher.

Missing any of the first two hits ends the combo prematurely.

Spinning Bludgeon:

The Hammer's special attack, providing invulnerability during the spin.

Ideal for avoiding attacks and dealing damage in situations where evasion is challenging.

Evade Attacks:

After a perfect evade, tapping the screen performs an upswing.

Holding after a perfect evade initiates a level two charge, offering quick and powerful counterattacks.

General Gameplay Tips

Lock-On Functionality

Mandatory for Stun: Locking onto a monster's head is crucial for focusing on stun-inducing attacks. Stuns open windows for massive damage.

Engaging Monsters

Big Openings: Exploit long combo opportunities during periods when monsters are stunned, downed, or incapacitated.

Shorter Opportunities: Between dodging attacks, choose quicker attacks to avoid overcommitting.

Part Break Strategy

Timing is Key: Execute combos strategically after part breaks for additional damage.

Part Break Priorities: Prioritize part breaks to create opportunities for extended combos.

Crafting Your Ideal Hammer Build

Building an effective Hammer set involves selecting armor skills that complement its strengths. Here are some essential skills to consider:

Lock On: Enables precise targeting of a monster's head for stun opportunities.

Focus: Increases charge attack speed, facilitating engagement with monsters.

Slugger: Boosts stun power, providing opportunities for additional stuns during a hunt.

Recommended Early Game Sets

Raw Build:

  • Kulu Yaku Head (Lock On)
  • Jagras Body (Rising Tide)
  • Jagras Legs (Water Attack)
  • Rathian Hands (Lock On)
  • Kulu Yaku Waist (Critical Eye)
  • Kulu Yaku Legs (Critical Eye)

Paralysis Build:

  • Pukei-Pukei Head (Focus, Health Boost)
  • Pukei-Pukei Body (Paralysis Attack)
  • Kulu Yaku Gloves (Paralysis Attack)
  • Pukei-Pukei Waist (Focus, Paralysis Attack)
  • Jagras Legs (Water Attack)
  • Advanced Late-Game Sets

Elemental Builds:

Tailor sets based on elemental weaknesses of monsters.

Opt for Diablo's Hammer for raw power.

Water Elemental Set:

  • Kulu Yaku Head (Critical Eye, Lock On)
  • Jyuratodus Body (Water Attack)
  • Jyuratodus Gloves (Water Attack)
  • Rathian Waist (Focus, Water Attack)
  • Jyuratodus Legs (Focus)

Fire Elemental Set:

  • Anjanath Head (Fire Attack)
  • Rath Body (Fire Attack)
  • Anjanath Hands (Fire Attack)
  • Rath Waist (Focus, Fire Attack)
  • Jyuratodus Legs (Focus)

Thunder Elemental Set:

  • Pukei-Pukei Head (Lock On, Rising Tide)
  • Tobi-Kadachi Body (Thunder Attack)
  • Tobi-Kadachi Gloves (Lock On, Burst)
  • Tobi-Kadachi Waist (Thunder Attack)
  • Jyuratodus Legs (Focus)

Monster-Specific Tips

Great Jagras

Target the Stomach: Focus on the stomach for maximum damage, exploiting the vulnerability of this part.


Manage Rock Attacks: When Kulu-Ya-Ku wields a rock, exercise caution, and avoid overcommitting to prevent unnecessary damage.


Patience and Caution: Exercise caution due to Pukei-Pukei's poison attacks. Prioritize well-timed attacks over aggression.


Focus on Forearms: Deal damage to Barroth's forearms for optimal damage output. Watch for charging attacks and respond strategically.

Great Girros

Paralyze and Stun: Leverage paralysis and stunning opportunities to control the encounter. Focus on achieving stun and paralysis thresholds.


Tail Break: Prioritize breaking Tobi-Kadachi's tail for increased damage and potential interruptions during charged attacks.


Airborne Attacks: Dodge ground attacks and carefully evade airborne assaults. Focus on targeting Paolumu when it's grounded.


Strategic Leg Break: Break Anjanath's leg for a significant damage boost. Be patient and time your attacks for maximum effectiveness.


Avoid Fire Attacks: Be mindful of Rathalos's fire attacks. Evade and position yourself strategically to avoid unnecessary damage.


Tail Focus: Concentrate on Jyuratodus's tail for substantial damage. Exploit opportunities after mud-based attacks.


Precise Timing: Perfect your timing against Diablos, capitalizing on dig patterns. Aim for horn breaks and KOs to control the fight.


Tail Break Tactics: Break Rathian's tail for improved damage. Exercise caution during tail flips and capitalize on openings.


Tail Priority: Prioritize damaging Jyuratodus's tail for an advantageous position. Be cautious during mud-based attacks.


Patience in the Skies: Exercise patience against Legiana's aerial attacks. Focus on timed counters when it descends.


Controlled Attacks: Dodge and counter Anjanath's wide-reaching attacks. Focus on breaking its legs for increased damage.

Armed with this extensive guide, you're now well-equipped to take your Hammer-wielding skills to new heights. Remember, practice makes perfect, so head out into the world of Monster Hunter, and may your swings be powerful, your stuns frequent, and your hunts legendary. 

Happy hunting!


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