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Mastering the Dance of Blades: A Dual Blades Guide

Greetings, fellow hunters! Today, I bring you the ultimate basic guide for the Dual Blades, the swift and dynamic melee weapons that have been my hunting companions since the days of Monster Hunter Freedom. Join me on this exhilarating journey as we delve into the pros, cons, combos, weapon types, and essential tips for mastering the Dual Blades in the world of Monster Hunter Now.

🗡️ Unleashing the Dual Blades: Pros and Cons

Let's start with the pros because, let's face it, Dual Blades are the epitome of flash and dynamism in Monster Hunter Now. These swift weapons allow you to duck, dodge, weave, and transform into a monster-slaying Beyblade. The high mobility ensures you can dart in and out of battle quickly, making it a perfect weapon for those who prefer agile combat. Not to forget the perfect evade, a game-changer that lets you deal damage while gracefully dodging monster attacks.

However, every weapon has its drawbacks. The stamina gauge is a constant concern, especially in Demon mode. Your damage output falls off when you run out of stamina, and maintaining Demon mode requires careful stamina management. Moreover, mastering the art of Dual Blades comes with a high skill ceiling and learning curve. You'll need to time your attacks, dodges, and perfect evades to avoid taking damage. Additionally, the short range of Dual Blades means you'll be face-to-face with monsters, requiring a tactical approach to avoid getting hit.

🔪 Weapon Types and Elemental Choices

Now, let's explore the weapon types. For non-elemental choices, consider weapons like the Iron Blades, Rending Beaks from Kulu-Yaku, Diablos Hits from regular Diablos, or Thanatos MIs from Black Diablos. If you prefer elemental damage, options like Thunder (Pulser Hatchets from Toby Kadachi), Water (Madness Pangus from Gyus), Fire (Blazing Hatchets from Anjanath), and Ice (Freeze Daggers from Legiana) are at your disposal.

⚔️ Mastering the Art: Basic Combos and Movements

The basic combos of Dual Blades are your bread and butter. A simple tap to attack initiates a seven-hit combo, including double slashes, return strokes, and circle slashes. You can extend this combo with additional hits by completing it before launching another seven-hit sequence. Dodge at any point during the combo to avoid attacks, and a dash towards the monster adds an extra slash before continuing the combo.

Rolling backward and tapping to attack results in a lunging four-hit strike, seamlessly leading into the seven-hit basic combo. Mastering these basic movements is crucial, offering versatility in your approach to different monsters.

🔥 Embracing Demon Mode: Unleash the Power

The heart of the Dual Blades lies in Demon mode. Activating it transforms your hunter into a force to be reckoned with. A 10-plus multi-hit combo awaits, including the Demon Fangs, two Full Demon Slashes, and the powerful six Full Demon Slash combo. Successfully executing this combo triggers the devastating Demon Dance, a 13-hit spectacle that leaves monsters in awe.

Demon mode not only amplifies your attacks but also grants increased movement abilities. The Demon Flurry Rush, a powerful five-hit combo, triggers when you dodge in Demon mode. Use this movement advantage to stay agile and deliver relentless attacks.

🎯 Perfect Evades and Special Skills: The Dance Continues

Perfect evades are your key to success, and there are two types: non-Demon mode and Demon mode. While the non-Demon mode perfect evade does no damage during animation, a tap after the animation initiates an attack. In Demon mode, a dazzling eight-hit midair spinning blade dance combo unfolds during the perfect evade. Mastering these evades adds finesse to your dance with monsters.

Now, behold the Heavenly Blade Dance, a special skill that unleashes a series of fatal attacks soaring high into the sky. Available only in Demon mode, this move showcases your prowess as a Dual Blades master, dealing devastating damage to your target.

🌐 Optimizing Your Gameplay: Full Aim Mode and Starting Builds

Toggle Full Aim mode on or off by tapping the icon on the top right. This feature centers the monster and allows you to use lock-on if available. In Full Aim mode, tilt your screen to target specific monster parts. Reset your aim if the monster goes off-screen using the convenient button near your health bar.

As for starting builds, consider the basic Dual Blades build for beginners. Equip yourself with the Kulu Blades, Kulu Helm for lock-on, Leather Body for attack boost, Kulu Van Braces for critical eye, Kulu Waist for evade extender, and Kulu Greaves for additional critical eye. This beginner-friendly build provides a solid foundation for your journey with Dual Blades.

Before we wrap up this guide, I invite you to support Monster Hunter Now Guides by hitting that 'support' button and sharing this blog with your fellow hunters. Bookmark this page for future insights and updates on advanced guides. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments below, and I'll be delighted to assist you on your Dual Blades adventure.

🎓 Parting Wisdom: Embrace the Dance, Master the Blades

"In the dance of blades and the symphony of evasion, every hunter shapes their legend. Embrace the art, master the blades, and let the hunt unfold with grace."

And there you have it, hunters! The Dual Blades guide to elevate your gameplay. May your slashes be swift, your dodges impeccable, and your hunts legendary. Until next time, happy hunting!

🗡️🔥🌟 Stay Agile, Brave Souls!


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