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Mastering the Dance of Blades: A Dual Blades Guide

Greetings, fellow hunters! Today, I bring you the ultimate basic guide for the Dual Blades, the swift and dynamic melee weapons that have been my hunting companions since the days of Monster Hunter Freedom. Join me on this exhilarating journey as we delve into the pros, cons, combos, weapon types, and essential tips for mastering the Dual Blades in the world of Monster Hunter Now. 🗡️ Unleashing the Dual Blades: Pros and Cons Let's start with the pros because, let's face it, Dual Blades are the epitome of flash and dynamism in Monster Hunter Now. These swift weapons allow you to duck, dodge, weave, and transform into a monster-slaying Beyblade. The high mobility ensures you can dart in and out of battle quickly, making it a perfect weapon for those who prefer agile combat. Not to forget the perfect evade, a game-changer that lets you deal damage while gracefully dodging monster attacks. However, every weapon has its drawbacks. The stamina gauge is a constant concern, especially
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Perfect Dodges Every Single Time: Must Learn Move!

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Unveiling the Frosty Extravaganza: Monster Hunter Now's New Weapons

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Monster Hunter Now Massive Update Weapon Balance Changes!

🎮 Greetings, fellow hunters! Boy, do we have some thrilling news to dive into! Monster Hunter Now has just unleashed its first patch notes, and it's a game-changer! In this blog, we're delving deep into the intricacies of the weapon balance changes set to rock the Monster Hunter world this December. So, sharpen those blades, load your bows, and let's dissect the changes that will redefine our hunting strategies. 🗡️ Close-Range Weapons Embrace the Buffs: Great Sword and Hammer Shine! As the winds of change sweep across the hunting grounds, close-range weapons like the Great Sword and Hammer emerge as the shining stars of this update. The Great Sword receives improved defensive options, enhancing its tanking capabilities. The guard tackle's knockback prevention window starts sooner, making it easier to weather the storm. Transitioning from charge slash to the next level becomes quicker, and recovery frames post-charge slash are reduced, allowing for swift dodges. But th

Defeating Black Diablos - Attack Pattern Guide, Tips and Tricks

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Monster Hunter Now Unveils Exciting December Update!

📢 Hey, fellow hunters! I've got some thrilling news hot off the press from Monster Hunter Now. Gather 'round as we delve into the exciting details of the upcoming update dropping on December 7th. Get ready for a monster-sized dose of new content, including two fresh weapon types and four formidable monsters. I know some of you might've caught wind of these updates through leaks, but let's explore the juicy details together! 📅 Save the Date: December 7th, 12:00 a.m. UTC! Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, mark your calendars for December 7th. The update kicks off at the stroke of midnight UTC, so make sure to convert that to your local time. Set your alarms for 8:00 a.m. on December 7th (GMT +8). Now, let's roll the trailer and see what's in store for us in this thrilling season of Monster Hunter Now! 🎬 New Monsters on the Horizon: Radoban, Banaro, Barov, and Zogre! The update brings not one, not two, but four new monsters to the hunting grounds. After comp

Unveiling the Ultimate Control Showdown: Lock On vs. Gyro!

🎮 Greetings, fellow hunters! It's your friendly neighborhood guide, Monster Hunter Now, and today we're diving deep into the age-old debate – lock on versus gyro controls. The battle of precision and convenience unfolds, and we're here to break down the advantages and disadvantages of each control type. Whether you're a seasoned blade master or a skilled ranged weapon user, the choice of controls can significantly impact your hunting experience. Let's embark on this epic quest to discover which control type reigns supreme. Lock On Controls: Precision at a Price Lock on controls, the herald of precision targeting, comes with its fair share of pros and cons. Firstly, it's important to note that this control type is exclusive to blade master weapons, and to unlock its potential, you need specific armor pieces with the coveted lock-on skill – the Kulu Helm, Ran Van braces, and the illustrious Black Diablo waste. Advantages of Lock On: Part Breaking Precision : Lock

Mastering the Art of the Bow: Advanced Techniques Unveiled!

🏹 Greetings, fellow hunters! It's your guide through the captivating world of Monster Hunter Now, and today, we're embarking on a thrilling journey to elevate your mastery of the bow . Whether you're an aspiring archer or a seasoned marksman, this comprehensive guide is tailored just for you. Get ready to delve into advanced techniques and strategies that will not only sharpen your skills but also unleash the true potential of the elegant yet powerful bow. Unveiling Five Advanced Bow Techniques: Beyond the Basics! The bow, a weapon of finesse, demands precision, agility, and a profound understanding of its mechanics to wield effectively. In this blog, we're not just scratching the surface – we're diving deep into five advanced tips that go beyond the basics, offering you insights and tactics that will elevate your bow gameplay to unprecedented heights. So, let's string our bows, charge up our shots, and embark on this quest to uncover the intricacies of these r

Two Epic Builds from Black Diablos

Hey there, fearless hunters! It's your guide through the wild world of Monster Hunter Now, and boy, do I have a treat for you! The mighty Black Diablos is gearing up for a return, and we're not just ready – we're hyped! In this blog, we'll delve into two jaw-dropping builds fashioned from the formidable Black Diablos armor pieces. So, buckle up and let's embark on this exhilarating journey! 1. Heroics Build: Igniting the Flames of Power! Our first stop is the Heroics Build, a fiery concoction that taps into the raw might of your Hunter. Heroics, the skill that turns your Hunter into a powerhouse when health drops below 30%, is the star of the show. To maximize this beastly skill, you'll need: Diablo Helm (Grade 6) Diablo Van Braces Black Diablos Legs Black Diablos Mail Flexible Waist (Pumu Waist for Divine Blessing is a solid choice) The trick with Heroics is walking the tightrope between life and death, intentionally dipping your health below 30%. Currently, th

Unveiling the December Massive Update!

Hey, hunters! I'm thrilled to bring you the inside scoop on the colossal update heading our way in Monster Hunter Now this December 7th. I stumbled upon the gold mine of information on Monster Hunter Now's official Twitter, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer! 🌟 Let's dissect the graphics and unravel the mysteries of what's to come. Strap in, fellow hunters, because this update is nothing short of monumental. 1. Zinogre Unleashed! The spotlight is on Zinogre, a brand-new monster entering the fray. For those who've danced with this thunderous beast in Monster Hunter Portable Third, the nostalgia is real. As a Fang Wyvern with a penchant for thunder and weakness to ice, Zinogre is set to roam the forests and mountains, bringing a thunder attack level five build to the forefront. Get ready to forge your gear and take on this electrifying challenge. 2. Dual Blades and Lance: A Deadly Duo! Dual blades enthusiasts, rejoice! The long-awaited dual blades are makin

The Grind Unveiled: Monster Hunter Now's Insane Upgrade Journey

Greetings, fellow hunters! Today, we're diving deep into the heart of Monster Hunter Now. We've been on this hunt for over a month, and there's a burning question that's been on everyone's minds – just how insane is the grind for those coveted Grade 10 weapons and armor pieces? Let's go into the numbers, the calculations, and the sheer madness that is the upgrade process in Monster Hunter Now. Strap in, folks, because it's about to get real. Zeny Woes: The Cost of Power At first, the Zeny seems like mere pocket change. Crafting and upgrading weapons and armor from the lower ranks won't put a dent in your coffers. A Rarity 1 weapon? A measly 10 Zeny. But, my fellow hunters, this is where the calm waters turn into a turbulent sea. Take, for instance, upgrading the Grade Jagras Sword and Shield. From Grade 1 to 2, it's a reasonable 300 Zeny, but as you ascend the ranks, the cost skyrockets. By the time you're at Grade 4 to 5, you're forking out

Recap: Qualily's November Special Quest Event

Hey there, fellow hunters! It's ThrillBone, and today let's dive into the aftermath of Qualily's Special Quest event. Whether you breezed through it or faced a few challenges, let's break down how it all went down. To begin with, the event seemed crafted as a warm-up or a prelude, a chance for players to stretch their virtual hunting muscles. According to the details shared by Niantic, it spanned over three days, though practically offering slightly less than two full days to tackle all the special quests. The event structure unfolded across four pages, with the initial three pages bundling tasks to gather materials and slay monsters in the Forest, Desert, and Swamp habitats. The rewards for these Qualilyests encompassed materials but excluded Zeny. Once these were conquered, the fourth page unveiled tasks to take down the relatively easy-to-find large monsters – Great Jagras, Barroth, and Great Girros. Now, this page brought home the Zeny but omitted materials. Here

Unleashing Chaos: The Versatile Sword and Shield Build

Greetings, fellow hunters! Today, we're delving into the thrilling realm of Monster Hunter, and I've got something special for you – a Sword and Shield build that not only deals devastating damage but also sends monsters into a dizzying stupor. Yes, you heard it right – we're talking about knocking out monsters using the versatile Sword and Shield! The Armor Ensemble Let's start by breaking down the armor pieces that will turn you into a knockout maestro. For the Grade 6 Barroth V Braces and Barroth Waist, you'll be wielding the power of the Guard skill. To up your knockout game, the Diablo Mail and Diablo Legs come into play, bringing Slugger to the mix. Lastly, the Kulu Helm adds the Lock On skill, crucial for targeting the monster's head – the sweet spot for maximum impact. In summary, this build boasts three points in Guard, three points in Slugger, and the Lock On bonus skills. As you upgrade these pieces, you'll unlock additional perks like Defense Boo

Unleashing the Power of the Hammer

Greetings, fellow hunters! Today, I'm thrilled to dive into the intricacies of one of the most exhilarating weapons in Monster Hunter — the mighty Hammer. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting your journey, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to unleash the true potential of the Hammer . Hammer Overview Bong and Break The Hammer might not be everyone's favorite but it is a weapon of raw power, delivering devastating blows to monsters with its immense impact. What sets it apart is the perfect balance it strikes between hefty damage and surprising mobility. Its unique ability to stun monsters makes it a force to be reckoned with, and mastering the Hammer involves understanding its powerful combos and strategic engagements. Key Strengths High Burst Damage: The Hammer excels in delivering powerful, high-damage combos, making it perfect for exploiting monster vulnerabilities. Stunning Ability: Hammer hits to a monster's face have

How to solve the tiny special skill unresponsive bug?

The bug occurs when the Special Skill button becomes really tiny and unresponsive and does not activate the Special Skill. This can happen randomly or after using certain items or actions. The bug persists until the player dies or logs out of the game. This bug can be very frustrating and detrimental to the gameplay, as the Special Skill is a vital tool for dealing damage and breaking parts of the monsters. Without the Special Skill, the player is at a disadvantage and may fail the hunt or lose valuable rewards. How to fix the bug or avoid it? There are a few possible ways to fix the bug or avoid it from happening. Here are some of them: Log out and log back in. This is the simplest and most reliable way to fix the bug. Die. It might be a waste of potion to regain your HP. Swap to a different weapon (does not work most of the time). Some players have claimed that swapping to a different weapon can restore the functionality of the Special Skill button. However, this may not work for eve

Unveiling the Ultimate End Game Setup

Introduction Greetings, fellow hunters! Today, we're delving into the realm of Monster Hunter's late end-game to uncover a build that might just be the pinnacle of power. Before we dive in, I'd like to emphasize that this setup is more of a showcase than a recommended build. It's not practical for general use, and I'll explain why. However, if you're grappling with a particular monster or urgent quest that's pushing you to your limits, this build might offer a unique solution. This is a specialized loadout designed to conquer a single formidable foe within a tight time frame. The Power of Heroics Heroics Skill At the heart of this unique setup is the skill called "Heroics." Heroics grants you a substantial damage boost – 10% per level – when your HP falls below 30%. To access this skill, we'll be focusing on specific Diablos armor pieces. The Diablos hands contribute two points of Heroics, while the head provides two points at level 6. The game

November Patch Breakdown – New Features, Bug Fixes, and More!

Hey there, Monster Hunter enthusiasts! I hope you're all having a blast in your own unique hunting style. Today, I'm here to break down the most recent patch notes for Monster Hunter Now. These notes rolled out at the beginning of the month and they're addressing some significant issues and delivering exciting new features. Let's dive right in! New Features First up, let's talk about a couple of fresh additions to enhance your gameplay. Favorite Equipment: Now you can easily mark your favorite gear, making it super convenient to organize your arsenal. This feature not only helps you sort your items efficiently but also displays your favorite equipment to other players. So, show off your prized possessions and let the world know what gear you prefer. Improved Icon Visibility: The development team has listened to your feedback. They've made improvements to the visibility of icons, helping you differentiate equipment and items more effortlessly. No more squinting a